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Google has the leading developer program, but Amazon is catching up
Episode 2 | Under the Hood of Developer Marketing | Developer Events with Katherine Miller
Unity leads the way in developer satisfaction
Google’s Instant Apps is the power grab that ActiveX couldn’t make
The 3 key Apple Watch features that nobody talks about. Yet.
The trillion dollar choice for car makers: control or cooperate?
Who will be the iOS and Android of IoT?
From 4 to 4000 apps: disruption deja-vu in the car industry?
No, Google is not going 'horizontal' by selling Motorola
The Naked Android
The evolution of handset business models: From source of profits to distribution channel
Dr. Google and Mr. Android
The Apple and Samsung Profit Recipe
The Kindelization of Tablets – Part 1
Beyond Siri: Breaking down the Virtual Assistant market
Flatten, Expand, Mine: The three pillars of Google's strategy
The elusive long-tail of mobile shipments
Discovery kills distribution: why the web needs a new leader
The Android UI Dilemma: Unify or Differentiate?
The Tortoise and the Hare: The tale of Android evolution