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Who is behind the VisionMobile Community?

Here at VisionMobile we continually strive to bring our community of readers the ‘insider’ views on the fast-changing mobile market.

Since our very first blog post in January 2005 (Symbian: only one way to go) the blog readership has grown immensely – for example, the most popular posts have exceeded 10,000 reads, like the The Mobile Application Store phenomenon, The significance of Google’s Android and Flash Lite: Facts and Figures.

Readers to the blog have grown steadily to around 2,100 readers as of July 2009 as you can see from the graph below. There’s some jitter due to the way Feedburner is measuring blog readers (you can see the live count on the blog sidebar, too).


Website visitors have been increasing continually, too, averaging over 7,000 unique visitors per month, as of July 2009. A key part of this has been ensuring high quality of articles; although at the expense of posting new articles only once every week or so.

Who’s behind the VisionMobile community? There’s tons more stats we could dig up, but we were missing a key aspect: who are the readers of the blog? Who is behind the VisionMobile community and what do they want to see on our site?

– Blog readers 2,000+ via RSS and email – Unique visitors/month: 7,000+, driven by content and twitter referrals – Reader profile: industry insiders, bloggers, developers?

Community survey There’s lot’s more to ask, from You that is, the reader. Are we covering the topics of interest to you? Can we be improving our analysis and articles? Is there a report that you’d like to see us working on? Does our content really match our audience?

Help us map the community by spending 60 seconds filling in our survey.

As an incentive, we are running a draw for five free Mobile Industry Atlas wallcharts for survey participants. The survey will close on Wednesday 30 September and we will notify the winner by email.

What will we do with the results? We’ll take your feedback seriously. If there is something that we are not doing right, we’ll address these points constructively. We’ll also publish the results of the survey so that you can also get a better idea of the who else in your community is visiting this site.

So – help us map the community by completing the community survey.

Thanks – and keep the conversation going,

– Vanessa


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